Mercy Projects







Since 2009 we have built a partnership with New life Development Association in Ethiopia.

An organization who takes care for orphans in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. We have decided to assist in skill development and financial support. Which thus far has shown great results.

NLDA is headed by Ali Mekonnen, who is an ex muslim, who with very limited funding he has been able to do great things that have changed the lives of over 200 orphans and well over 150 families.

Taking care of shelter, food, schooling, uniforms and medical supplies is nothing less of monumental challenge amidst a poverty stricken nation. Which he has proven to fulfill in obedience to the call of God and the heart of the Father.


If you wish to support Ali in his ministry.

please contact us at:



Our current activities include:


Adult litracy program


Orphan feeding program


Skill development centre



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Tel: ++31-648973162

Tel: ++32-32657022

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